Laboratory Management Tool Developed in Python/Flask

Languages and Tools: Python 3.10

Home Screen

I created this app based on the needs of the Laboratório de Máquinas Térmicas at the Federal University of Paraná.

There is a lot of different users in the lab, on different projects (Engineering Projects, such as Formula SAE, Baja SAE, Aerodesing, etc), so the idea is to create a simple way for the students to create their account with basic data, and allow for the Professors responsible for each projects to validate their accounts.

Arduino Data Acquisition with Python

Languages and Tools: Python 3.10

Home Screen

Data Acquisition software developed in Python as part of my Masters in Mechanical Engineering project. I was in need of a reliable way of measuring temperature in different points.

The hardware built for this project allows for 5 different data points, collected by 5 MAX6675 Digital Converters by an Arduino Nano connected with a computer via USB port.

Greenhouse IoT

Languages and Tools:

Home Screen Config Screen - Part 1 Wifi Config Screen - Part 1

Greenhouse monitoring system based on the ESP8266 microcontroller. Allows for Air Temperature and Humidity and Soil Moisture monitoring. It’s possible to configure the device in Access Point mode or connect to a local wifi network.

The hardware consists of the sensors and a display that shows the values and the connection status. The data also can be retrieved from the API endpoints.

Meat Smoker Temperature Control IoT

Languages and Tools:

Home Screen Config Screen

Controller developed to display the smoker temperature with a buzzer to signalize the low and high temperature drops. The base system will be developed using an ESP8266 board, that allows for a Wifi Access Point connection that will expose a Web Server to display the temperature and allow to define the temperature thresholds on a smartphone or computer.

The hardware built for this project uses a MAX6675 Digital Converter for Type K thermocouple and a TM1637 Display.